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Kevin Harrington
Delivering an agile approach to your marketing challenges
Let’s get you the Growth-Driven Creative Strategy

About Me
For most of my career, had you asked me what I did for a living or what I considered myself in terms of a professional title, I would have quickly, and nearly thoughtlessly described myself as a creative director. Recently I’ve come to analyze the words in that title and have come to realize that it may be a term that has become archaic.
As technology has progressed to a point where our ability to look deep into a consumer’s behavior, purchasing habits, desires and aspirations give us the ability to precisely guide marketing strategy, I believe that the manifestation of creativity is no more than decoration if not driven by knowledge that exceeds esthetics. Masterful writing and sublime design, the product of left-brain thinking, becomes brittle under the scrutiny of scientific process.
Without the marriage of these traditionally opposing forces, pure creativity is destined to fail. Am I a Creative Director? Like so many others in this profession who have changed the face of marketing and consumer engagement, I choose to be more.
Connect With Me
With all that I do, I am a strategic, big-picture thinker with proven ability to assess market or client needs and project requirements, and direct solutions that engage the target market, enhance brand awareness and drive revenue. I have a proven strength and confidence in presenting to C-level executives in Blue Chip companies, managing multiple projects and budgets, and dynamic teams. Effective communicator, negotiator and decision maker. Superior problem-solving skills, idea generation and always looking for what opportunity may be missing. Capable of mastering complex concepts and turning them into relatable stories. Concept-to-completion oversight of world-class digital strategies, print, and broadcast campaigns. Success developing complex interactive websites and integrated brand/marketing campaigns and efficient management of multiple priority projects on concurrent time lines.
Direct Marketing
What Clients Say
Dedicated to every client’s success, here’s what they say about me

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